كان قديما نظام تعليمي معروف بالكتاتيب وكان يعتبر ارخس نظام تعليمي على الاطلاق حيث يعتمد على شخص بالغ يشهد له بين ابناء حيه بأنه شخص امين وذو ثقة وعلم ديني ودنيوي وتجربة في الحياة . يطلب من هذا الشخص ان يكون معلما ومربيا ومؤدبا لابناء القرية او الحي بحيث يجمعهم في بيت ويعمل على تلقينهم دروسا في الحفظ و الفهم والتحليل . وكان يعتمد هذا النظام على مبدأ اساسي في تعلم التلميذ للعلم الديني والدنيوي . وينبني على أن الله يرانا . واننا اذا استطعنا أن نغش بعضنا البعض فلن نستطيع أن نغش الله سبحانه وتعالى خالقنا .مما كان ينتج مستقبلا افرادا يخافون ان يراهم الله يغشون مما جعلهم يرفعون مردوديتهم الإنتاجية و جودة انتاجهم. حيث لم يستطع اي نظام اخر تعليمي مهما كانت قوته البيداغوجية ان يعطينا افرادا بهته الكفاءة الأخلاقية في معاملاتهم.سواء الإنسانية او العملية. وفي نفس الوقت اصبحوا هم بدورهم قدوة يضرب بها المثل .بل الاكثر من ذلك ان هذا الشخص كان يمثل دور النائب عن الاب .ويمد تلامذته بالنصائح لحل مشاكلهم .ولديه كاريزما تجعله ذو هيبة واحترام لذى تلامذته.
In the past, it was an educational system known as the Qur’an, and it was considered the lowest educational system at all. This person is required to be a teacher, educator, and educator for the people of the village or neighborhood, so that he brings them together in a house and works to teach them lessons in memorization, understanding and analysis. This system was based on a basic principle in the student’s learning of religious and secular science. It is based on that God sees us. And if we were able to cheat one another, we would not be able to cheat God Almighty, our Creator. What would produce in the future individuals who fear God would see them cheat, which made them raise their productivity and the quality of their production. As no other educational system, regardless of its pedagogical strength, was able to give us individuals with its moral competence in their dealings, whether human or practical. At the same time, they, in turn, became an example to set an example. Rather, more than that, this person represented the role of the representative of the father. He provided his students with advice to solve their problems. He had the charisma that made him prestige and respect for his students. as the Qur'an, and it was considered the lowest educational system at all. This person is required to be a teacher, educator, and educator for the people of the village or neighborhood, so that he brings them together in a house and works to teach them lessons in memorization, understanding and analysis. This system was based on a basic principle in the student’s learning of religious and secular science. And it is based on that God sees us. And if we were able to cheat one another, we would not be able to cheat God Almighty, our Creator. What would produce in the future individuals who feared God would see them cheat, which made them raise their productivity and quality of production. As no other educational system, regardless of its pedagogical strength, was able to give us individuals with its moral competence in their dealings, whether human or practical. At the same time they, in turn, became a proverbial example.
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